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"We share the excitement of each breakthrough" Michael Brown, Nobel Laureate
Nobel Laureate Michael Brown - "Origins of a 40-Year Partnership"
In your whole life, there's only one 'make or break' decision - Nobel Laureate Michael Brown
"I never came to the point where I said I don't think I can make it" Michael Brown, Nobel Laureate
"If you are shouldn't have to worry about competition" Michael Brown, Nobel Laureate
"In a way it was a kind of jealousy" Michael Brown on what kept him motivated
"There's definitely a thrill of discovery" Joseph Goldstein, Nobel Laureate
Impact factors? What counts is the data - Nobel Laureate Joseph Goldstein
"Work on things that give you big changes" Joseph Goldstein
"Everybody else is going to work on the next big thing" - Michael Brown advises young scientists
2016 FH Global Summit Pioneer Awardee - Nobel Laureates Michael Brown, MD & Joseph Goldstein, MD
Choose a lab led by someone passionate about what they're doing, Nobel Laureate Joseph Goldstein